For example, when equipped with the sole purpose of Date Masamune will have unlimited use of all six of their swords at the same time reducing the costs of their defense and can not protect or avoid.

There are also unique items intended for use in a playable character, giving characters different degrees of usefulness in a distinct disadvantage. Certain items should be opened for the purchase and some items require a certain difficulty to be opened. With currency earned, players can use Basara store where they can buy upgrades, weapons and accessories. Blue chest containing gold and yellow boxes carried by enemy soldiers. The Basara (Devil Kings Fury Drive) attack meter is filled by killing enemies and take Basara-goods, or when the joke is done without interruption of the enemy. Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes Hisahide Matsunaga added as another mode of Unification intruders. When playing Unification mode, players can find and fight Miyamoto Musashi. New enemies to face, including soldiers Oni, Ninja ice and fire, dragon tanks and five mercenaries SD parodying the Super Sentai series, known as 'Gohon Yari' ('The Five Spears'). Kenshin weapons and abilities and Sasuke remains the same as the first installment. Kasuga relies on four kunai with hand connected to the new skills honed while having a cable connected to the light energy. In the second installment, Matsu has naginata and have the power to summon the animal. The same thing can be said Sarutobi Sasuke and Kasuga. Furthermore, the problem of 'character clone' is omitted The first game, Uesugi Kenshin and Matsu share the same set of motion gun. There is also a page ranking for Arena mode, so the classification is determined by the total amount of XP earned and the number of stages completed.Ĭhosokabe Motochika and Mori Motonari can be played not only the NPC.

Character classified (only ten listed in a certain time).